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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

Table of Contents
Volume 45, Issue 5, pp. 1541-1930

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Model Reduction of Uncertain Systems with Multiplicative Noise Based on Balancing

Liqian Zhang, Biao Huang, and Tongwen Chen

pp. 1541-1560

Stability and Instability Results of the Wave Equation with a Delay Term in the Boundary or Internal Feedbacks

Serge Nicaise and Cristina Pignotti

pp. 1561-1585

Error Estimates for the Numerical Approximation of Dirichlet Boundary Control for Semilinear Elliptic Equations

Eduardo Casas and Jean-Pierre Raymond

pp. 1586-1611

Optimal Energy Decay Rate for Partially Damped Systems by Spectral Compensation

Paola Loreti and Bopeng Rao

pp. 1612-1632

Simulation-based Uniform Value Function Estimates of Markov Decision Processes

Rahul Jain and Pravin P. Varaiya

pp. 1633-1656

Maximizing Visibility in Nonconvex Polygons: Nonsmooth Analysis and Gradient Algorithm Design

Anurag Ganguli, Jorge Cortés, and Francesco Bullo

pp. 1657-1679

Stability Robustness of Retarded LTI Systems with Single Delay and Exhaustive Determination of Their Imaginary Spectra

Rifat Sipahi and Nejat Olgac

pp. 1680-1696

Nonpositive Curvature and Pareto Optimal Coordination of Robots

Robert Ghrist and Steven M. Lavalle

pp. 1697-1713

Feedback and Feedforward Output Regulation of Bounded Uniformly Continuous Signals for Infinite-Dimensional Systems

Eero Immonen and Seppo Pohjolainen

pp. 1714-1735

Robustness in the Graph Topology of a Common Adaptive Controller

Mark French, Achim Ilchmann, and Eugene P. Ryan

pp. 1736-1757

Insensitizing Controls for the 1-D Wave Equation

René Dáger

pp. 1758-1768

Conewise Linear Systems: Non-Zenoness and Observability

M. Kanat Camlibel, Jong-Shi Pang, and Jinglai Shen

pp. 1769-1800

Spectral Factorization of a Class of Matrix-Valued Spectral Densities

Hendra I. Nurdin

pp. 1801-1821

Optimal Control for a Stationary MHD System in Velocity-Current Formulation

Roland Griesse and Karl Kunisch

pp. 1822-1845

Barrier Option Hedging under Constraints: A Viscosity Approach

Imen Bentahar and Bruno Bouchard

pp. 1846-1874

Quasi-Optimal Robust Stabilization of Control Systems

Christophe Prieur and Emmanuel Trélat

pp. 1875-1897

Output Feedback Pole Assignment for Transfer Functions with Symmetries

Uwe Helmke, Joachim Rosenthal, and Xiaochang Alex Wang

pp. 1898-1914

Stability and Stabilization of Continuous-Time Switched Linear Systems

José C. Geromel and Patrizio Colaneri

pp. 1915-1930